Information for Parents related to Popcorn sales
- PDF of Sell Sheet can be found here
- 1/3 of the price of popcorn goes to Pack 87, 1/3 goes to BSA, and 1/3 goes to trails-end
- We pay for all our pack activities with popcorn sales money so we rely on everyone participating
Show & Sells
Show and sells occur on Sat/Sun during September and October. Scouts sign up for 2 hour slots. We divide all Show & Sell sales based on hours served, not sales made. This avoids imbalanced sales traffic.
Trails End Online Store for your scout
Online Store account:
Prepare for your Show & Sale:
- Setup a personalized online store-front through the website. Use a Login ID for your scout.
- we are Pack 87, 87 is our 'unit' number
- we are a part of the 'Three Fires Council'
- we are in the 'Chippewa' district, though I think the app still only has our old district listed 'Thunderbird'
- You can sign up for show & sells in the app, please honor the signup-genius sent via email
- We have square Credit Card Readers you can borrow which use head-phone jacks, make sure you have a connector if needed.
- Then door-to-door are listed as 'wagon sales'.
- You can send your scouts website to family and friends for online orders
- For show & sales
Prepare for your Show & Sale:
- Are you the first on your day?
- You need to arrange to pick up supplies from Alex Erives the night before or morning of.
- Are you the last on your day?
- You need to arrange to deposit left overs at Alex Erives or the next person selling the following day
- Scouts should be in uniforms
- What you should have at the start of your show & sell:
- Table for product
- Cash box with $20 in five dollar bills for initial change
- Square credit card reader
- Pen, sell sheet
- Product Sheet
- Phone with Trails-end app installed (follow above)
- Donation Box
- popcorn for the day
Using Square Credit Card Readers (old instructions for Credit Cards, now use Trails-end)
- Download 'Square POS (point of sale)' app.
- Text Taylor for Device ID before show & sell time
- He'll add you to the app and you'll receive a text with the Device ID and pin code
- Open the Square POS App
- On the login page there will be an option: "Use a Device Code" use that option
- Then enter the 12 digit device code
- Then it will ask for the pin (and every time you open the app after this)
- Now you should see a list of the popcorn we sell
- You can use the headphone jack reader (need to give the app microphone permissions), you can also use the Bluetooth reader.