Pinewood Derby Schedule
8:00 - 8:30 Car check-in, once you check in your car, it can no longer be modified.
8:30 - 12:00 Racing begins, Typically we start with the youngest Den so they can leave when they like.
8:30 - 12:00 Racing begins, Typically we start with the youngest Den so they can leave when they like.
Pinewood Derby Racing
Once a car has been registered and checked in, it will be “impounded” to the display tables until we are ready for racing. Once the cars are on the display tables, they will be off-limits to handling or touching. We apologize for this and we will be steadfast enforcing this to insure that no cars get broken or damaged prior to race time.
With regard to the racing, we use electronic timing equipment. All participants will race in (4) heats, competing with their fellow Den members. The lowest sum of the (4) times per racer will determine 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place standings within the Den. Please note a 1st place finish in one or two of the four heats doesn’t necessarily mean a 1st place trophy; it will be the lowest times of the four heats raced that will determine the winners.
Open Class is for parents and siblings who would like to race. Entries must meet the general qualification parameters of the derby event listed below. If any of the parameters are exceeded, the car will be entered into the Outlaw Class.
Outlaw Class entries cannot exceed 1 LB. in weight, maximum width shall be 2-3/4", so that it fits the track, maximum length should not exceed 10", so that it doesn't hit the track on the incline and must be gravity driven. If there are any questionable features of the car where safety is a concern, the car will not be allowed to race.
Lubrication of cars with graphite will be done outside the building. We regret that we cannot allow any graphite lubrication inside the building as it makes a terrible mess. We recommend that you make any necessary arrangements to lubricate your car prior to arriving.
Trophies for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Place trophies will be given within each Den and the OPEN and Outlaw classes.
Awards for Best Workmanship and Best Design will be given within each Den and the OPEN class.
With regard to the racing, we use electronic timing equipment. All participants will race in (4) heats, competing with their fellow Den members. The lowest sum of the (4) times per racer will determine 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place standings within the Den. Please note a 1st place finish in one or two of the four heats doesn’t necessarily mean a 1st place trophy; it will be the lowest times of the four heats raced that will determine the winners.
Open Class is for parents and siblings who would like to race. Entries must meet the general qualification parameters of the derby event listed below. If any of the parameters are exceeded, the car will be entered into the Outlaw Class.
Outlaw Class entries cannot exceed 1 LB. in weight, maximum width shall be 2-3/4", so that it fits the track, maximum length should not exceed 10", so that it doesn't hit the track on the incline and must be gravity driven. If there are any questionable features of the car where safety is a concern, the car will not be allowed to race.
Lubrication of cars with graphite will be done outside the building. We regret that we cannot allow any graphite lubrication inside the building as it makes a terrible mess. We recommend that you make any necessary arrangements to lubricate your car prior to arriving.
Trophies for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Place trophies will be given within each Den and the OPEN and Outlaw classes.
Awards for Best Workmanship and Best Design will be given within each Den and the OPEN class.
Watch with your scout to learn to build the best car!
Pinewood Derby Car Regulations
- Cars cannot exceed the minimum or maximum measurements:
Length = 7” maximum
Overall width = 2-3/4” maximum
Width between the wheels = 1-3/4”
Bottom Clearance = 3/8”
Weight = 5 OZ. Maximum
The wheelbase of 4 3/8" must be maintained (Distance from front to rear axle)
This simply means to not make your car shorter, put the wheel nails in the premade grooves. - Use the provided wheels and axels. Do not physically modify the black plastic wheels. You must use the axles (nails) from the kit, but smoothing the nail is allowed to reduce friction.
- The entire car must be behind the starting line. No part of the car can hang over the starting pin. The pins make contact with the center of the front of the car so best not to alter the position mid-front of the car (see picture below).
- Only graphite is permitted as an axle lubricant. Lubrication must be applied prior to registration. APPLY GRAPHITE OUTSIDE SCHOOL! IT MAKES A MESS INSIDE FOR CUSTODIANS!
- Once cars are registered, they will be impounded and off limits until after races are over.
- Each car will race in (4) heats. 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place finishes will be determined by the lowest sum of (4) heat times.
- Adding weight is allowed up to the 5oz maximum, and angling how the axel nails enter the wood is allowed.
- Everyone shall display good sportsmanship and have fun!
Leadership Notes
Two Months Before (Typically November)
Friday Setup Night
- Make sure we have the Kingsley MPR reserved on the Friday from 6:30 - 8p and Saturday from 8a - 12p. Sometimes the Cubmaster puts this in, but otherwise anyone can get a room reservation form via the office (email Lee and ask her to send one home with your scout). Then fill it out and send it back in with your scout.
- Order Trophies and Medals from Plaques Plus in Naperville. It's usually good to select a trophy that is different from last year. You'll need a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place trophy for each den. They are typically engraved as:
(1st/2nd/3rd) Place (Lion/Tiger/Wolf/Bear/Webelos/Arrow of Light)
2023 Pinewood Derby
Kingsley Pack 87
We typically get 2 Medals per den, one for Best Craftsmanship and another for Best Design, and those are also engraved:
(Lion/Tiger/Wolf/Bear/Webelos/Arrow of Light) Best (Craftsmanship/Design)
2023 Pinewood Derby
Kingsley Pack 87
The cost ranges from $200 - $300 depending on the number of scouts we have. You pay for these and get reimbursed by the pack. - Order Pinewood Derby Cars and Patches (advancement person may have done this already so check with them) from the Scout Shop. We often have extras in storage so ask the Cubmaster to give you a count of how many we have and the current total cub scouts in the Pack. Then you can order what is needed from the Naperville Scout Shop via telephone and go pick them up when they are ready. The Pack will reimburse you for the costs.
- Two Pack Meetings prior to the Pinewood Derby event, which is typically the December one. Pass out Pinewood Derby Cars to scouts, keeping track of who has received one via a Roster print out.
- Send a reminder email to the pack 87 google group and ask for volunteers to help setup the Friday night prior. Let people know they can bring their scout and car to make test runs on that evening (incentive to come).
- Ask for volunteers to bring in some coffee/donuts/bagels for the crowd on Saturday morning.
- In preparation for setup on Friday night, go to storage to pick up:
- track computer equipment (black plastic container labeled "FastTrack")
- Plastic bin of light bulbs (yellow, green, red, white).
- Plastic bin with crowd control flags for marking off the track, two dumbbell weights for the track, "official scales", and other items.
- The Pack Tool Box which should contain graphite, a hot glue gun, and many other tools that can come in handy on race day.
- You'll need someone with the proper software (see below) to run the timing equipment for the track and they will run the results reveal for races.
- Print a few copies of the Pack Roster with a column for numbers starting with 1. These numbers will be those entered into the racing software and written under the cars to help with ID and race setup.
- The Best Craftsmanship and Best Design awards are given based on 4 judges on the morning of the races. Print a sheet for these judges that allows them to write down their top 3 choices (based on car number) for Design and Craftsmanship in all Dens. You can find the print out here. Print 10 copies and cut them up.
Friday Setup Night
- Friday night bring all the supplies to the Kingsley MPR. The tracks are stored in the Gym Storage closet all the way in the back on the right under the ventilation duct. Mrs. Bliteck let's us store these there. Ask a custodial staff to unlock it if needed.
- The track is easy to figure out if you reference the photos in the binder. Tracks are labeled on the ends with letters so match them up and screw them together.
- Setup the trophies on a table.
- Setup a checkin table near the entry with the scales