Graduation Ceremony Text
[give old Webelos enough Webelos kerchiefs for new Webelos before beginning]
[setup fire]
[make sure current Webelos have enough kerchiefs to give to Bear scouts]
[should have rank badges and pins for each scout]
Opening with Campfire Ashes:
Robert Baden-Powell started scouting over 100 years ago in 1908 in Great Britain, but it quickly became an international movement.
Legend has it that Baden-Powell would always take a small amount of ashes from a ceremonial campfire and spread these ashes into the next campfire. The main purpose of these ashes is to share with you the memories of past campfires and bring to all Scouts and Scouters the International aspect of the World Brotherhood of Scouting.
He would explain, "We carry our friendships with us in these ashes from other campfires with comrades in other lands. May the joining of the past fires with the leaping flames of this campfire, symbolize once more the unbroken chain that binds scouts and guides of all nations together. With greetings from our brothers and sisters around the world, I add these ashes, and the fellowship therein, to our campfire."
The ashes I spread into this campfire carry memories of our past campfires and connect us to the first Scouting campout on Brownsea Island, in Britain in 1907. I encourage you to save a small amount of ashes from campfires you share with others and bring them to our next campout to spread on the fire.
[place ashes in the fire, pause, start ceremony.]
Bears to Webelos:
Will the following scouts please come forward and their parents please stand behind them:
[List Bear Scouts]
You have worked long and hard to earn the rank of Bear. Bear Scouts, tonight you start the Webelos trail joining the Webelos Den. Remember the hard work you have put in and the help and support of your parents. This will get you to our next step on the Cub Scout Trail. The Webelos path will prepare you for adventures beyond cub scouts, be it Scouting or other things. You will learn new things to take with you into those adventures.
Parents, we will give you these Bear Patches and please pin them to your scout’s uniform. Remember, you can apply the patches to their uniform after they do a good turn.
Scouts, you could not have earned your new rank without the help and support of your parents. We will give you these Bear Pins, please give them to your parents as a sign of appreciation.
Please remove your Bear neckerchief and keep it for a moment.
Would the current Webelos please come up and present a neckerchief to these new members of your Den? Then, please stand to the side. Parents please place the new Webelos neckerchief on your scout.
These scouts join the Webelos Den with our existing Webelos:
[List existing Webelos Scouts]
Parents of these scouts please come stand behind your scout.
I would like to recognize the hard work each of these scouts over this year. Each scout has lived up to the Cub Scout Motto, "Do Your Best." Each scout as also been working to fulfill the Scout Motto of "Be Prepared" by working on the Boy Scout requirements. These boys will now be working on their second year on the Webelos Trail and are the senior Cubs in the pack. New Cub Scouts should look to these boys for direction and assistance. As second year Webelos it is up to you to model the way for the younger cubs and represent the Pack by being true to the Cub Scout Promise.
Pack 87, I’d like to present to you the new Webelos Den.
Please hold your Bear neckerchief for a moment and be seated.
Wolves to Bears:
Will the following scouts please come forward and their parents please stand behind them:
[List Wolf Scouts]
You also have done a good job working on your Wolf rank. This is the step that will enable you to proceed on the trail to Bear. Wolf Scouts, you have spent this year learning about Cub Scouting. You have "Done Your Best" to live up to the ideals of Scouting.
Parents, we will give you these Wolf Patches and please pin them to your scout’s uniform. Remember, your patch will remain pinned until you do a good turn, at time point you may attach the patch permanently.
Scouts, you could not have earned your new rank without the help and support of your parents. We will give you these Wolf Pins, please give them to your parents as a sign of appreciation.
Tonight you will receive your Bear Neckerchief. Please remove your Wolf neckerchief and hold it for a moment. Webelos scouts, please come up and pass your Bear neckerchief to a Bear Scout and be seated. Parents please put the neckerchief on your scout.
The Bear Neckerchief is blue. Blue stands for truth, loyalty, and obedience. You must learn to obey before you can expect others to obey you. The blue neckerchief also reminds us to obey the Law of the Pack.
Pack 87, I’d like to present to you the new Bear Den.
Please hold your Wolf neckerchief for a moment and be seated.
Tigers to Wolves:
Would the following scouts and their parents please come forward:
[List of Tiger Scouts]
Tigers, you have searched, discovered and shared the world around you. You have learn what it takes to become Wolf scouts, using your ears to listen to the world around and your eyes to see the path set before you.
Parents, we will give you these Tiger Patches and please pin them to your scout’s uniform. Remember, your patch will remain pinned until you do a good turn, at time point you may attach the patch permanently.
Scouts, you could not have earned your new rank without the help and support of your parents. We will give you these Tiger Pins, please give them to your parents as a sign of appreciation.
You will be receiving your Wolf Neckerchief tonight. Please remove your Tiger neckerchief and hold it a moment. Bears, please come up and give your Wolf neckerchief to a Wolf scout and be seated. Parents please put the neckerchief on your scout.
The Wolf Neckerchief is gold, like the sun. It stands for joy in a job well done. Have fun as you learn the way of the Wolf Scout.
Pack 87, I’d like to present to you the new Wolf Den.
Please hold your Tiger neckerchief for a moment and be seated.
Lions to Tigers:
Would the following scouts and their parents please come forward:
[List of Lion Scouts]
Lions, you are just starting your trip along the great Scouting trail. Having begun learning the ways of a cub, you honor the Scout Law through your achievements. There are many great adventures waiting for you. Next as a Bobcat, and then as a Tiger.
Parents, we will give you these Lion Patches and please pin them to your scout’s uniform. Remember, your patch will remain pinned until you do a good turn, at time point you may attach the patch permanently.
Scouts, you could not have earned your new rank without the help and support of your parents. We will give you these Lion Pins, please give them to your parents as a sign of appreciation.
Wolves, please come up and give your Tiger neckerchief to a Tiger scout and be seated. Parents please put the neckerchief on your scout.
The Tiger Neckerchief is orange and represents the beginning flame of scouting. An orange flame is not yet hot at it has just started and has huge potential.
Pack 87, I’d like to present to you the new Tiger Den.
Please be seated.
Scouts, your family is important throughout your whole Scouting experience. Support in earning each Badge comes from your family as well as from your Den Leader. Your parents will help you each step of the way. Let us thank our parents.
Our Pack runs on a volunteers who help teach our kids the principles of Scouting. Without them, the is no Pack. Would you please stand up as I call your name?
Mike Tamsevicious for our Tigers
Ryan & Grace Boland for our Wolves
Curt Wichmann for our Bears
Jamie Pagano & Alex Erives for our Webelos
Robert Velasquez our Committee Chair
Chad Hoersten our Treasurer
Anna Childers & Nikki Pagano our Membership Chair
Mike Tamsevicius our Popcorn Kernel
Lindsey Garrison our Chartered Organization Representative
Parents please give these people a BIG round of applause.
[setup fire]
[make sure current Webelos have enough kerchiefs to give to Bear scouts]
[should have rank badges and pins for each scout]
Opening with Campfire Ashes:
Robert Baden-Powell started scouting over 100 years ago in 1908 in Great Britain, but it quickly became an international movement.
Legend has it that Baden-Powell would always take a small amount of ashes from a ceremonial campfire and spread these ashes into the next campfire. The main purpose of these ashes is to share with you the memories of past campfires and bring to all Scouts and Scouters the International aspect of the World Brotherhood of Scouting.
He would explain, "We carry our friendships with us in these ashes from other campfires with comrades in other lands. May the joining of the past fires with the leaping flames of this campfire, symbolize once more the unbroken chain that binds scouts and guides of all nations together. With greetings from our brothers and sisters around the world, I add these ashes, and the fellowship therein, to our campfire."
The ashes I spread into this campfire carry memories of our past campfires and connect us to the first Scouting campout on Brownsea Island, in Britain in 1907. I encourage you to save a small amount of ashes from campfires you share with others and bring them to our next campout to spread on the fire.
[place ashes in the fire, pause, start ceremony.]
Bears to Webelos:
Will the following scouts please come forward and their parents please stand behind them:
[List Bear Scouts]
You have worked long and hard to earn the rank of Bear. Bear Scouts, tonight you start the Webelos trail joining the Webelos Den. Remember the hard work you have put in and the help and support of your parents. This will get you to our next step on the Cub Scout Trail. The Webelos path will prepare you for adventures beyond cub scouts, be it Scouting or other things. You will learn new things to take with you into those adventures.
Parents, we will give you these Bear Patches and please pin them to your scout’s uniform. Remember, you can apply the patches to their uniform after they do a good turn.
Scouts, you could not have earned your new rank without the help and support of your parents. We will give you these Bear Pins, please give them to your parents as a sign of appreciation.
Please remove your Bear neckerchief and keep it for a moment.
Would the current Webelos please come up and present a neckerchief to these new members of your Den? Then, please stand to the side. Parents please place the new Webelos neckerchief on your scout.
These scouts join the Webelos Den with our existing Webelos:
[List existing Webelos Scouts]
Parents of these scouts please come stand behind your scout.
I would like to recognize the hard work each of these scouts over this year. Each scout has lived up to the Cub Scout Motto, "Do Your Best." Each scout as also been working to fulfill the Scout Motto of "Be Prepared" by working on the Boy Scout requirements. These boys will now be working on their second year on the Webelos Trail and are the senior Cubs in the pack. New Cub Scouts should look to these boys for direction and assistance. As second year Webelos it is up to you to model the way for the younger cubs and represent the Pack by being true to the Cub Scout Promise.
Pack 87, I’d like to present to you the new Webelos Den.
Please hold your Bear neckerchief for a moment and be seated.
Wolves to Bears:
Will the following scouts please come forward and their parents please stand behind them:
[List Wolf Scouts]
You also have done a good job working on your Wolf rank. This is the step that will enable you to proceed on the trail to Bear. Wolf Scouts, you have spent this year learning about Cub Scouting. You have "Done Your Best" to live up to the ideals of Scouting.
Parents, we will give you these Wolf Patches and please pin them to your scout’s uniform. Remember, your patch will remain pinned until you do a good turn, at time point you may attach the patch permanently.
Scouts, you could not have earned your new rank without the help and support of your parents. We will give you these Wolf Pins, please give them to your parents as a sign of appreciation.
Tonight you will receive your Bear Neckerchief. Please remove your Wolf neckerchief and hold it for a moment. Webelos scouts, please come up and pass your Bear neckerchief to a Bear Scout and be seated. Parents please put the neckerchief on your scout.
The Bear Neckerchief is blue. Blue stands for truth, loyalty, and obedience. You must learn to obey before you can expect others to obey you. The blue neckerchief also reminds us to obey the Law of the Pack.
Pack 87, I’d like to present to you the new Bear Den.
Please hold your Wolf neckerchief for a moment and be seated.
Tigers to Wolves:
Would the following scouts and their parents please come forward:
[List of Tiger Scouts]
Tigers, you have searched, discovered and shared the world around you. You have learn what it takes to become Wolf scouts, using your ears to listen to the world around and your eyes to see the path set before you.
Parents, we will give you these Tiger Patches and please pin them to your scout’s uniform. Remember, your patch will remain pinned until you do a good turn, at time point you may attach the patch permanently.
Scouts, you could not have earned your new rank without the help and support of your parents. We will give you these Tiger Pins, please give them to your parents as a sign of appreciation.
You will be receiving your Wolf Neckerchief tonight. Please remove your Tiger neckerchief and hold it a moment. Bears, please come up and give your Wolf neckerchief to a Wolf scout and be seated. Parents please put the neckerchief on your scout.
The Wolf Neckerchief is gold, like the sun. It stands for joy in a job well done. Have fun as you learn the way of the Wolf Scout.
Pack 87, I’d like to present to you the new Wolf Den.
Please hold your Tiger neckerchief for a moment and be seated.
Lions to Tigers:
Would the following scouts and their parents please come forward:
[List of Lion Scouts]
Lions, you are just starting your trip along the great Scouting trail. Having begun learning the ways of a cub, you honor the Scout Law through your achievements. There are many great adventures waiting for you. Next as a Bobcat, and then as a Tiger.
Parents, we will give you these Lion Patches and please pin them to your scout’s uniform. Remember, your patch will remain pinned until you do a good turn, at time point you may attach the patch permanently.
Scouts, you could not have earned your new rank without the help and support of your parents. We will give you these Lion Pins, please give them to your parents as a sign of appreciation.
Wolves, please come up and give your Tiger neckerchief to a Tiger scout and be seated. Parents please put the neckerchief on your scout.
The Tiger Neckerchief is orange and represents the beginning flame of scouting. An orange flame is not yet hot at it has just started and has huge potential.
Pack 87, I’d like to present to you the new Tiger Den.
Please be seated.
Scouts, your family is important throughout your whole Scouting experience. Support in earning each Badge comes from your family as well as from your Den Leader. Your parents will help you each step of the way. Let us thank our parents.
Our Pack runs on a volunteers who help teach our kids the principles of Scouting. Without them, the is no Pack. Would you please stand up as I call your name?
Mike Tamsevicious for our Tigers
Ryan & Grace Boland for our Wolves
Curt Wichmann for our Bears
Jamie Pagano & Alex Erives for our Webelos
Robert Velasquez our Committee Chair
Chad Hoersten our Treasurer
Anna Childers & Nikki Pagano our Membership Chair
Mike Tamsevicius our Popcorn Kernel
Lindsey Garrison our Chartered Organization Representative
Parents please give these people a BIG round of applause.